Car Sensor Technology Social Media Campaign

Over the course of one’s lifetime, they may experience three to four accidents or some sort of crash. But, out of every 1,000 accidents only three of them are fatal, which means that the crashes experienced by each person is likely to be minor. (Fox News) If we can fix the problem of minor accidents it will save many injuries, worries and even insurance rates from skyrocketing. That is where car sensor technology can apply. Many manufacturers have already started to include sensors in their cars, but by making it a universal idea, road situations will become safer and minor accidents will decrease.

The target audience for this project would be people who are old enough to buy cars. They are the ones that are prone to accidents and are the consumers deciding what kind of car they want to buy. By appealing to them financially car sensor technology can become a success. The older generation love to watch television especially news channels and they are also the ones to most likely share videos that are posted on Facebook. I have created a one minute commercial video to help appeal to this target audience which will be promoted as a shared video on Facebook as well as showing up on news channels and outlets. Since the target audience is an older generation who most likely have teenagers, the interviewees in the video are teenagers describing the typical accidents they have been apart of when driving. By placing fear into the audience and giving them hope that these situations can be prevented can win over the audience on car sensor technology as a productive and innovative creation in furthering car productivity.


You can find the video HERE


Car Sensor Technology Social Media Campaign — 2 Comments

  1. This is an up and coming idea that I think will really take off! But the way you attack this subject needs to be done in a very thought out way. Your audience is also very important and maybe add in some images of what your idea will look like. nice job!

  2. I love your idea and what you are trying to accomplish! However I think there could be better ways than trying to scare your audience into buying your technology! Nonetheless great idea!

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