The Future of Food Technology


Our population is said to hit almost 10 billion people by the year 2050.  To account for this, most scientists claim that we would have to produce 70% more food to feed upwards of 10 billion people.  Other than the problem of food production, we also have problems of provided ample water supply and even repairing Earth’s damaged ecosystem.  How can we solve this? The answer: Vertical Farming.


Creating a vertical farm eco-city has numerous benefits:

  • We will have no more agricultural runoff because we recycle our water
  • We will have year round crop production
  • No crop loss from severe weather
  • Uses 70% less water than normal agriculture
  • Above all, we repair damaged ecosystems
  • We can remediate gray water
  • Create new jobs
  • Supply fresh produce for inner city dwellers
  • Use abandoned city properties
  • We can even grow bio-fuels

The vertical farm eco-city is the key to feeding our future generations.  It provides a safe, sustainable, and abundant food and water supply.  For every indoor acre in the vertical farm, it can produce as much as 10 acres of outdoor farmland.  It is time for us to stop talking, time for us to start doing, save water, save land, save lives, and in the end save our Earth.

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The Future of Food Technology — 2 Comments

  1. This is a strong and reasonable idea. I think it helps that you put all the benefits that an eco-city has. Also things like, “For every indoor acre in the vertical farm, it can produce as much as 10 acres of outdoor farmland.” help to draw in your audience. Good job!

  2. It would’ve been nice had you also listed the cons and then address them all (you’re argument would be stronger). I also wonder how it is that you only use 70% less water? In any case, I love your idea and think it’s very doable. Also, I really like how you make a call to action in your last sentence.

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