Smart Travel Social Media Campaign

Smart Travel is a company dedicated to making the TSA lines at security checkpoints faster and more efficient. Security lines have long waits and there is no differentiation between passengers. Smart Travel provides you with a Smart Travel ID that you input when buying tickets. Then with the more flights you fly the more experience you gain. With that experience you are placed in one of three categories at security checkpoints, those including: experienced, average, and beginner. My target audience for this company is all people who fly, but specifically those who want to experience faster airport security lines. My campaign consists of a Smart Travel website, Facebook, Twitter, and an application. The Smart Travel website is where you will be able to find the most information about our company as well as if you have any questions. Our website is also where you start the initial sign up process, which then is completed through email. We will also post to the Facebook and Twitter when any new information is released. Those posts will link back to our website where you will be able to read more in depth about the new information. Our app will include brief information about your experience points, flights flown, your boarding pass, as well as be able to track wait times in security checkpoints at the airport you are flying out of. This campaign will connect with my audience because it is very simple, which is ultimately the goal of my program. We do not have every single social media site, and the main focus is on our website so you can simply find information with a quick Google search of our website. We want to make our consumers experience easy and hassle-free which is achieved through our social media campaign. The information on our website is straight-foreword and concise, which makes all consumers able to understand our company, what it does, how it does it, and our goals.


These are the two home pages for my app.

Cloud image on app: Tony Hammond

City image on app: David Yu

Facebook cover photo: Nastigallina

Home page picture under basics: When on Earth

All other images and graphcis by me.

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