Online Learning-Social Media Campaign

Online learning is a type of education that has gained widespread popularity over the past years. It has been known to improve the quality of education and help students be better equipped for the years to come where they are expected to live on their own and use the education they have been given. Although it is true in many cases that online education does work and can be helpful to many students there are still a couple problems that need to be addressed: the lack of human interaction and the drop-out of rate of these students due to this lack of communication. In most online learning formats, the student is on their computer by themselves, learning things from a computer with no feedback from a teacher or instructor. Without this feedback, students can become lazy and not motivated to work hard and so as a result they will drop out. Therefore, this human interaction is needed to help students reach their full potential.

There have been many studies done that show that online learning is most effective when it is done in a classroom where there is a presence of teachers. This presence of teachers allows students to be able to learn online but still be able to get real human interaction help if necessary. When students only have a computer in front of them the computer will not know if they are doing their homework or not so it can be much harder for them to stay focused and stay in this type of learning environment.

Thus, something needs to be done to keep online learning an option for students while ensuring them that they will get the same benefits of this learning that they will get in a traditional classroom setting. In a study done in 2010 it was reported that students learning online perform better on average learning the same material than the people learning the same material in a traditional classroom setting. This may very well be true but many people have argued that human interaction will always be better than computer interaction. Therefore a solution needs to be created in order to ensure that students will be able to learn on their own but still have access to direct contact with teachers and professors if necessary. Some solutions that have been proposed are using methods of teaching like mobile blogging for students or discussion boards for students.

For my social media campaign I will use Facebook and Twitter to raise awareness to people of the main problems of online learning and help find solutions to the problem of drop-out rates. I will do this by trying create catchy and useful hash tags on the Twitter page in order to grab the attention of the students who have actually dropped out of online education and provide them with some possible solutions and suggestions. I will also list some quotes from people who have had difficulties with online learning with the hashtag #I’manonlinedropout so that I can encourage other students to share their stories with online education. With responses it will be easier to make sense of why online learning drop-out rates are so high even though it has been claimed that is it is more effective than traditional classroom learning. I will also list some statistics. On Facebook I will list mostly solutions of what could be helpful in making online learning more effective and I will add pictures. I will use more pictures here, because I think that since Facebook is the most used social media site it will be more beneficial to focus on solutions to online learning and support those with motivating pictures. By using Facebook and Twitter I can reach my target audience of students who are already in online learning and the students who are debating whether or not it would be worth it to join. Students need to know what they are getting into before they decide to learn online. They need to know the advantages and the disadvantages.



Online Learning-Social Media Campaign — 3 Comments

  1. Its interesting that you’re using an online platform to address and online problem. The idea is great, and I think that using the tools of Facebook and Twitter is great, however I would also suggest that you use other means of communication such as flyers or pamphlets, something more tangible so that they aren’t sucked into the online trap. Try using the human interaction that you talked about to get your point across even stronger. Good work.

  2. I really like this idea as technology is getting bigger and bigger and it is important that education includes it. Since the importance of knowing technology is increasing when it comes to jobs opportunities. But as you say, the personal connection to both learning material and teachers is also very important and cannot be replaced by technology.
    As for you social media campaign I think that you have a good approach in using Twitter and Facebook, its good to also include statistics on drop-out rates and how it affects both society and the individual. Good luck!

  3. I think that this a really unique and relevant issue. Online learning is a fast growing trend that will continue to become more and more prevalent in our technology-consumed world. I can definitely see a trend of friends who decide to take online classes and never finish them. This is an educational issue that if fixed, could really make a difference in the way our education system operates.

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