Media and Negative Body Image-Social Media Campaign

The issue of negative body image and low self-esteem has existed for quite some time now. One of the main causes of young women having a negative view on their own bodies is the media, specifically in advertisements. Advertisements use photoshop to create fake beauty and trick women into thinking that is what real beauty is. It puts tremendous pressure on them to look a certain way, and according to research, often affects whether or not they have an eating disorder. Beauty advertisements make women feel like they are not good enough without their product, and the only way to be beautiful is by buying that product.


For my social media campaign, I am going to make an instagram and a twitter and post pictures of photshopped advertisements and negative advertisements. I am going to have the hashtags #fakebeauty and #nothuman trending to show how many pictures and ads use photoshop. I’ll use the hashtag #imenough to stand up against any advertisements that put customers down in order to convince them to buy their products. The goal of my solution is to make people aware that what they see in magazines and on TV could never be real. Eventually, I would like photoshop to be completely abandoned, and use real people in ads. I will post the links to the twitter and instagram shortly.

Instagram, Twitter



Media and Negative Body Image-Social Media Campaign — 4 Comments

  1. This is a fantastic idea, because you’re absolutely right that true beauty is distorted and false. I would suggest that another platform would be a website in that individuals are allowed to show their true beauty, like through Facebook or through your own media platform. Great work!

  2. I am in love with the idea behind this campaign because I can relate to it personally as a young woman growing up in a culture that constantly bombards us with unrealistic images of the “perfect” woman. I would recommend using either Instagram or Twitter in addition to Facebook. Facebook is widely accessed by a wide age range and allows for a combination of photos and text, plus you could link relevant articles and more.

  3. I really like this idea, I think that its important to address this problem. I think that twitter is the perfect platform for this type of campaign.

  4. This is a campaign that could easily spark a revolution. Women’s rights are such a hot topic right now, and with Dr. Hilary Clinton being a front runner for the next election, it is the perfect time to bring up women in the media. People are finally recognizing the unrealistic standards that women are being held to in the media, and how horrible the scrutiny that they receive over superficial issues is. Popular social media sites are the perfect way to reach out to young women AND MEN to continue to promote awareness of this issue and put an end to trivial journalism.

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