4 Minute Reflective Speech

On Wednesday or Friday of this week you’re going to be giving a 4 minute reflective speech based on your paper. Yes, you can and should use notes.

Note that I didn’t write that you’re going to read your essay for 4 minutes. This won’t work for a couple of reasons. First, reading a paper to an audience tends to be boring. Also, you have 4 minutes. This means, depending on how fast you talk, that your speech is likely to be 400-600 words, considerably shorter than your essay.

Your talk should have three parts: An introduction, a body and a conclusion. These should not be the same length. The introduction of you and your technology should take less than a minute. Likewise, your conclusion should be less than a minute. The bulk of your time should be focused on your transformation by that technology.

Practice, practice, practice.

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