And we called her LOLA / Blog post


I was blessed once in my life to be the proud owner of a pure breed boxer. We rescued her back in the late 90’s. She was an abuse dog that had a lot of issue that we had no idea of. When we first got her, she was the cutest thing you have ever seen. She was a golden brown boxer and full of energy always wanting to play with everything and everyone she saw. We never really knew what we had until our first Fourth of July with her. The fire crackers where the demons that made her flip from a great dog, into one of the craziest and unpredictable creatures you would ever meet. We had just came back home from a block party we were attending. When we came home we found blood marks all over the backyard cement and found the metal screen door all chewed up. Lola was trying to chew her way in to the house due to the fireworks that people were setting off. When we found her she was balled up in the corner of the back yard trying to find shelter from the loud bangs and pops of the fireworks.


Over the years Lola got worse from the fireworks and started to need medication. We went to the Veterinarian and got prescription drugs to try to control her anxieties, but nether ever seemed to work for my beautiful dog. Over the years she got a little older and slower, but she never lost her fears for those dam fucken fireworks. So I started to dedicate my Fourth of July’s with my Lola. I would keep her close to me and show her that I would protector no matter what. I fell in love with this dog not only for her kindness and love for me, but also because she was with me with a lot of life changing events. She was my best friend and we always hung out together. We were like to peas in a pod, never too far away from each other. Always there to share a good time playing or just watching television.


But their came a time in which Lola started to get older. She went from being young and full of energy, into an old lady that was starting to struggle to stay up on her legs and eat. My Lola was getting close to the end of her life. I was anger with god for wanting to take to best friend from me. I did not understand why god would give an animal so dysfunctional and full of issues, and now god is making my Lola suffer more than any of god’s creatures should.  I had no choice I had to put my Lola down that way she would not suffer anymore.


The last day with my Lola was the hardest; she was just balled up next to me with the look of pain and stress. The whole day Lola stayed in the same area not moving for anything. I knew that this would be the last day I ever get to spend with her. I called the Vet around midnight because Lola was crying with pain. The Vet told me he would recommend me putting Lola down to ease her pain. I had no choice but to put her down, I could not be selfish and keep her alive just to satisfy my ego of keeping her next to me. When I put her in the car Lola looked at me and gave me a big lick on my face. She knew we were going for a ride, but little did she know that this was her death sentence. We pulled up to the vet office a twenty min before 1A.M. When we came in I was the strongest individual I could be holding my lovely Lola in my arms. Like a father holding on to his dying child in his arms pleading for help. I was taken to a room and give some time with Lola before she was put down. So I lay with Lola and hugged her and sang to her to trying to ease her pain. Little did I know that I was in the room with Lola for over two hours? I was trying to hold on to her as long as I could. But I knew I had to let her go. So I asked Lola if she was ready to relax. She snorted and lifted her head as a sign of approval. I call the vet in and I told him it was time to let my Lola rest. I kiss my dog’s forehead for the last time and cried like a baby the whole day. A part of my heart was put down that day too. I love you Lola


And we called her LOLA / Blog post — 1 Comment

  1. This is very moving. Reminds me of my first puppy, who grew up to be a vicious and violent dog. My dog as like that from birth. She was a Chow mix with a German Shepard. Not after bitting many people and other puppies did she have to be put to rest. I am sorry about your dog :”(.