Grading Rubric

A work:

  • Presents a cogent and insightful argument, analysis and / or creative work.
  • Offers compelling support for any argument or analysis.
  • Develops the argument or analysis with organizational clarity and logical force.
  • Demonstrates sophisticated exploration of the issue or issues.
  • Demonstrates research, study or effort outside of the requirements the course.
  • For blog posts: the theme or main idea of the blog post is clear, and links to related information. The content has accurate and very useful information.
  • Writing displays maturity in sentence variety, grammar, spelling, and usage.

B work:

  • Presents a clear, argument, analysis and/or demonstrate creativity.
  • Uses effective examples and reasoning as support.
  • Displays consistently strong overall organization, paragraph development, and logical transition.
  • For blog posts: the content of the blog post has accurate and useful information. The theme or main idea is clear and related to the purpose or theme of the entry.
  • Writing displays strength in sentence variety, grammar, spelling, and usage.

C work:

  • Offers a competent if occasionally limited argument, analysis and / or creativity.
  • Uses appropriate examples and reasoning to support the overall argument or analysis.
  • Blog posts: the information is clear and correct. The theme or main idea of the post is more or less clear and related to the purpose or theme of the entry.
  • Writing displays competence in sentence variety, grammar, spelling, and usage.

D work:

  • Has limited argument or analysis.
  • Has flaws in organization, paragraph development, or logical transition.
  • Avoids of the issue or issues discussed in course and readings or addresses them in a manner that is neither serious nor thoughtful.
  • Blog posts: information is incomplete or not correct. The post is without a clear purpose or central theme.
  • Writing has serious flaws in syntax, grammar, usage, or spelling.

F work:

  • Fails to adequately respond to the assigned readings, lectures or discussions.
  • Relies on remarkably weak or inappropriate examples.
  • Have little controlling organization or logical coherence.
  • Blog posts: presents erroneous information. Post does not address issues of Chicana feminism.
  • Has serious and extensive flaws in syntax, grammar, or usage which makes it difficult to read and understand.