Posting a Blog Post

Some of you seem confused about how to post to the blog so here’s a step by step guide on how to post using WordPress:

  • Log in to your WordPress account (what they call your Dashboard) using the link Enter your WordPress user ID and password.  If you don’t have a user ID and password, email me.  (Note: once you’ve logged in for the first time, you should change your password to something easier to remember by clicking on the Profile link on the left side of your screen.)
  • On the left hand side menu click on Posts, then Add New Post. Give your post a Title — try for something unique, descriptive and that will make people want to read it.
  • Write your post.  You can choose to use either the Virtual and HTML settings. The Virtual setting is WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) — just use it like a word processor. If you know HTML, you can choose use it and have more control over how your final post looks.  Make sure you give it a good title which will distinguish it from other blog posts.
  • Proofread, check your post over for grammar and spelling. When you’re happy with what you’ve written, click the Publish button on the right side of the window. Now go to the site and make sure it looks the way you want it to. You can edit any post by logging in and looking for it under Posts.

Those are the basics. We’ll learn how to add images / media as we go forward, though if you know or can guess how, you’re welcome to go ahead.  I’ve got plenty of space on my server for anything you might want to put up. You’re not going to break anything so feel free to poke around and see what you can do.  Be sure to ask questions about anything that’s giving you difficulty. You’re welcome to come see me during my office hours and get help individually if you don’t want to ask during class.

Your first blog post with your self introduction needs to be posted by Monday, September 3. If you need help, email me. Don’t wait until the last minute — remember I go to bed early.

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