Social Media Campaign – Cyberbullying/Trolling in League of Legends

My project is about cyberbullying and trolling within the game League of Legends. The game League of Legends was released in 2009 where the game had a phenomenal blow up of popularity. The game began to spread worldwide to various regions such as Europe, Taiwan, Korea, Oceania, etc. causing it to be the biggest online game out there. As the community grows, so does the amount of trolls and cyberbullying to the fellow players. My targeted audience is the people who play League of Legends, so that ranges from teenagers to adults, with various backgrounds. The social media that I have used is a Twitter account called @LoLSMCampaign, where I have been sharing things I have found that deals with certain profanity and verbal abuse and derogatory dialogue among the people who play. There is no real plan of action that is being used, rather it’s just there to spread awareness that there are people within the game that are causing havoc among the community and people should be alert so they can have counter-measures within the game.

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As you can see here, I have made the twitter page and have gone on Tumblr to reblog some posts that relate to what I see as a problem within League of Legends. Some are not as serious as others. Some are just jokes that people make but still touch on the fact of how the community can be. This social media account will be updated whenever I find stuff on my phone or laptop when I’m browsing through my personal Facebook or searching it upon Tumblr, or even screenshotting it and posting my findings on whenever I watch live streams of certain League of Legends players.This campaign will allow those who are interested in League to pick up on some easy jokes and have relations that I understand. It will be easy to pick up as well from people who don’t get it so often because some things are just profanity that anyone can understand and see how the community could be at times.


Social Media Campaign – Cyberbullying/Trolling in League of Legends — 3 Comments

  1. Very cool idea, I like the fact that it is geared toward such a specific audience. Something to think about would be to explain specifically how big of an audience you’re reaching out to, and how do you to plan to promote your page?

  2. This is a great idea, however, how are you going to enforce the fact that it’s not okay to troll. Where is the repercussions to the problem and how is it going to be solved besides just raising awareness. There should be consequences for profanity and inappropriate language.

  3. Great idea but like kyle said you can think of ways to give out consequences to people who troll like demerits in the game or even suspensions?

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