Text-to-911 Social Media Campaign

“Call if you can, text if you can’t.” My project’s focus is the hope for a text-to-911 universal implementation system. This idea has been discussed within the past few years, but has only been done in a small town within Iowa. The hope for this system is to give voices to those who are not able to call, whether it’s because of a dangerous situation or hearing/voice disability. All voices matter and this new technology will able to support that idea. Gone are the times where talking on the phone was being tied to a landline. Gone are the times of non-connectivity, where now it seems like everyone is connected in some way or another. There is Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. platforms for people to connect with others with similar likes/dislikes. In a time such as this, it is imperative to build a network of safety, where asking for help is not tied to just a phone call.

The target audience for this project is geared towards those of all ages. Teenagers, college students, parents, political figures can all benefit from this system. The hearing/speech impaired are those who can benefit the most form this system. What can they do now if they cannot speak or cannot hear? Everyone deserves the chance to be saved. But most importantly, anyone can need help and when calling is not an option, text-to-911 can be.

I have begun a website in hopes of sparking conversation amongst the populace. The goal is to spread the word about this new technology as well as its importance to the people. The website asks for individuals to share this information either through Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. This new system should become common knowledge, so that there is pressure for its universal implementation.

The creation of a twitter account connects back to the website in efforts to create a unified front between the information on the website and the social aspect of Twitter.


Text-to-911 Social Media Campaign — 2 Comments

  1. This is a great idea to me! I believe I would feel more safe with this at my disposal. I can think of many situations where calling 911 could cause more harm than good. This may also increase the willingness of bystanders to speak up about an emergency. People may find it easier to report something over text message than through a phone call. Bystanders could also do this discreetly as to not raise attention to themselves. Outwardly calling 911 could possibly put themselves in danger. No matter the situation, it is ideal to have multiple options for calling for help.

  2. This is an awesome idea in terms of domestic safety. I would recommend taking it one step further and making it so it is a button that the victim could press so that when in a situation there isn’t a delay between the incident and when the message is sent. It is almost like a quiet life-alert on you phone, which would be faster than texting.

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