Stand and Deliver (1988)

Prejudice seems inevitable. Before I have an opportunity to even introduce myself to the world; I will be put into a category because of my skin color and gender.  I admire Jaime Escalante for making a difference inside of his community. Although the population of children that attended Garfield High School came from a poor environment; it does not mean they should have a disadvantage  from achieving a higher education or a good education.  Working as a school nurse inside of Pasadena with High Risk Student;  I did witness prejudice. Most of the children were in homes or have been inside of jail because they were either abuse or did not have parents who cared. But every time they came inside of my office; I made sure I instill  positivity inside of them.  I assured them that they could achieve any goals  he or she wants to achieve. Its not where you come from its where you are going. I believe Jaime Escalante was able to achieve respect from the children because he cared and instill positivity into each one of them.

Machete (2010)

The film provoke a lot of emotions and feeling from me. I understand that it was illegal to cross the border from  Mexico to the U.S.; but to mistreat and brutally kill anyone for violating the law is immoral.  A pregnant woman was shot  inside the chest without any remorse from the shooter; this incident  really anger me. On the other hand; Machete kill in order to seek justice for the Latino people. He was not killing in vain. I admire Jessica Alba. Although she was  a goverment official and stood for protecting the law; she had  exercised her mind whenever it came to justice. She separated the law from Justice. Sometimes the  law does not provide  justice. There is the law then there is justice. Toward the end of the movie; I felt like justice was served.