Mr. Chavez (2014)


I’m posting about the film Cesar Chavez. The biography came out in 2014.  Sadly to say I didn’t know anything about Cesar Chavez other than he was a Latino male who’s birthday we didn’t have to go to work on the date. I thought that the film would be a little bubble gum because the director Diego Luna had Michael Pena and America Ferrera as the leading actors. I had only seen the two actors in comedies and didn’t know if I could take them serious. Both Pena and Ferrera did a great job in the film,

The film discusses the life of Cesar Chavez and his fight for equal rights for Latino farm workers in the late fifties and sixties,  I had no idea that Chavez and his activists started a credit union and labor union.  Also fought for fair wages for the farm workers.  He was nonviolent protesting and fasting for equality and social justice.

The film could be viewed by different people different ways.  It was the legal and illegal migrant workers,  one group wanting more and the other just trying to get what they can to survive.  I didn’t read the reviews I like to just jump into a film without knowing what others think so that it doesn’t alter my judgement.  I happened to like the film and think that it was informative,  there were a few scenes that had extras added to show the extent of the situation then but overall I thought it was a good film.

2 thoughts on “Mr. Chavez (2014)

  1. Like you, I don’t know to much about Cesar Chavez, only that we celebrate him and that he was for the farmers. In reading your review about the film, I’d like to watch it and understand who he was and what he did for the farmers. I like America Ferra and didn’t know she was in the film, so I will definitely have to watch it. It is true that people have mixed feelings about what is being portrayed and I think you have to take everything with a grain of salt and have your own opinion. Thank you for your review.

  2. 2) I hope that this film did justice to Cesar Chavez’ struggle. I was fortunate to have met him at an event that he attended at East Los Angeles College. The charisma that this man possessed was amazing. I have also had the pleasure of meeting on a few occasions Delores Huerta who organized, marched and worked along-side Chavez and the farm workers. The work that these two accomplished for the farm workers was ground breaking. I have heard that Cesar Chavez and Dr. Martin Luther King had great respect for each other and believe that if they could have made great strides together.

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