Presenting Carmen Elizabeth Castañeda

Hello there! I am a senior Applied Math major from Long Beach, California. This is my fourth Chicano Studies class. I really got into Chicano Studies after being part of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Atzlán (MEChA) de LMU. I got a little historical exposure from being part of the club but it wasn’t until I heard Professor Mah y Busch at a panel where they were deconstructing the f-word (feminism), that I took my first class with him the following semester. In his class we read and had discussions over Chicano literature. After this I took the intro to Chicano Studies class and another literature course. Along with this class, I am also taking Environmentalism and Chicanos this semester. I really like to learn the history behind the movimiento and enjoy hearing stories about the key leaders of the time. So I look forward to learning more about Chicano history through the lens of the Latina Feminist.