Norman and Dan

“What You See In The Dark” and the famous film Psycho have an abundance of similarities which makes it even more interesting that they are interweaved in the same story. It is interesting to see the “behind the scenes” of the most famous horror film ever made as the film’s eerie aura is automatically destroyed when experiencing it in the works. That is why the story of the novel creeps up on such a way that is so unsettling. The primary similarity is that dominant presence of the mother son relationship between Dan and Arlene. Dan is a character very similar to that of Norman Bates. It seems he takes on a harmless persona that leaves a positive impression but this very persona is concealing a completely different side to him. Both the film and the novel display an immediate murder as opposed to creating a suspenseful build up. It is interesting to display the most gruesome out come in the beginning of both works. Perhaps this suggests that the murder itself is not as horrific as the thing that is to come. In Psycho, the murder itself did not amount to the fear inflicted at the last seconds of the film when the audience realizes that the kind and soft spoken Norman is acctually completely psychotic. Just like Psycho, Munoz’s novel unfolds by seemingly small moments, frame by frame, that progress into moments with vast gravity and bigger undertones.

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