Ultima: Witch or Curandera?


It’s difficult to determine whether Ultima is a witch or a curandera. This is because the answer depends on the definition that one gives for each term and the definitions are very similar. According to an article I found online a curandera is a broader term for Curanderismo, which “includes four specialties, beginning with the yerbera (herbalist) and continuing with the partera (midwife), sobadora (folk chiropractor), and curandera espiritual (spiritual healer), who uses prayer and ritual and is the least common of the curanderas. Some practitioners have specialized in only one area, but all have made some use of herbal remedios (remedies). Whatever the practice, most people refer to all of these folk healers as curanderas. Some men have also practiced as curanderos, sobadores, or spiritual healers, but traditionally these roles have been reserved for women.” This term can easily be applied to Ultima. This is seen in the novel when she uses herbal remedies to help Antonio sleep after his nightmare or when she cures his uncle Lucas.

The definition of a witch also coincides with Ultima. I found an article that lists three different definitions of a witch. These include, “someone who practices some form of magic”, “someone who has and uses unusual psychic talents”, and “someone who honors or worships the Old Gods.” All these things can also be said of Ultima. Her ability to cure can be seen as magic, she always seems to know what is happening without being told, and although it is never stated that she worships the golden carp, she does have knowledge of the story.

After reading through these definitions I think that Ultima can be considered both a witch and a curandera. However, the term witch is usually used in a negative manner causing us to not associate it with Ultima since she is perceived as good. The term can also be used in a positive manner, and when used in this way I think it can be used to describe Ultima. According to Ultima’s own culture and beliefs, however, she is a curandera. Although others may perceive her as a witch, she will always identify herself as a curandera and I think those closest to her would do the same.

Works Cited:
http://www.motherearthliving.com/health-and-wellness/new-mexico-shealing-tradition.aspx?PageId=2 Arellano F, Anselmo. “Las Curanderas: Traditional Healers in New Mexico”. Mother Earth Living. 1997. Web. 9 Feb.,2014.

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/aidankelly/2012/07/what-is-a-witch/ Kelly, Aidan. “What is a Witch?” Patheos. 2012. Web. 9 Feb.,2014.

image credit: Carmenlomasgarza.com


Ultima: Witch or Curandera? — 5 Comments

  1. I definitely agree with Ultima being considered both a curandera and a witch. Another element that I would bring into Ultima’s description of curandera and witch powers is her close connection to the earth spiritually. She knows the earth and is of the earth, so much so that only a child who is very advanced for his age understands her. There are many schools of thought that relate children to being extremely spiritual because of their close connection to the world they came from not to long ago, usually called heaven. This is one of the reasons why Antonio has such a close connection to Ultima. Based on this fact I tend to lean more towards Ultima being a curandera because most children would be frightened at those practices.

    The definitions of curandera and of witches help further the argument that Ultima could be a bit of both. She is definitely a curandera because she does deal with a great number of herbs and spiritual healing, leading to the cure of Lucas. She is also a midwife because Antonio’s mother Maria had all her children with the help of Ultima, and a folk chiropractor. However, when going to dictionary.com the definitions given are 1) a person, especially a woman, who professes or is supposed to practice magic, especially black magic or the black art; sorceress. 2) an ugly or mean old woman 3) a person using a divining rod; dowser. Out of all of these three definitions I only see that facts that she is a woman and old. I do not however understand Ultima to profess herself to doing witchcraft, nor as practicing magic. It is an art and science mixed with the supernatural but not to the extent of being magic. She also does not use a rod or dowser. Because of these reasons I would not call Ultima a witch but curandera, even though it is open to interpretation since the author does not give us a clear definition.

    Works Cited:
    http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/witch?s=t. Definition of witch. 2014. Web. February 11, 2014

  2. Daniella,

    I agree with you in saying that Ultima can be considered both a witch and a curandera depending on how witch and curandera are being defined. If we define a witch as a person that deals in magic, then yes, Ultima is a witch. If we choose to define a witch as a person that deals with dark magic, then no, Ultima would not be a witch. Since the book never provides a clear definition of what a witch is, I think that it would be appropriate to consider Ultima a witch because she is dealing with magic and supernatural things that could be argued are not “godly” or religion-friendly. I thought it was really interesting that the very religious mother saw Ultima as a curandera and not a witch. Many townspeople, whom she had assisted, saw her as a curandera. Could it be that Ultima was simply a which and people that were helped did not want to admit so because they justified her actions through her good actions? Ultimately, whether or not Ultima is considered a witch has been left up to the reader and their beliefs and views on witchcraft and what is defined as being a witch, and as we discussed in class, we all have multiple views. I personally would say that Ultima is not a witch because her motives were always good or for a just cause.

  3. This comparison of witch and curandera makes me wonder if these two terms are different or is one just the evolution of the other. As stated, a curandera is someone who uses herbal remedies to heal, assist with child birth and assist all that individuals that are ill. This role was mostly for women. This gave women power but also made them vulnerable to criticism. If a woman died in childbirth or had a miscarriage, for example, the blame could definitely fall on the midwife. I think the term witch was constructed to create speculation around what healing women were doing in order to take away their social power.

  4. I definitely agree with Ultima being associated more with the term curandera than witch. Although the definition of witch as Danielle has stated does in someway hold truth in describing Ultima, I have to agree that curandera is the appropriate term to describe Ultima. “Curanderismo is a very spiritual practice with strong religious faith.”Along with this description the article also describes what is usually used for curanderas to cure people. I don’t think Ultima thinks of her powers as magic, but something given to her spiritually, something she might have been born with. Her spiritual powers are used for good and not bad. This is why i think Antonio and his family get defensive when she is called a witch, because witches are evil and they use their magic for evil doings. “Curandero who include magical workings in their practice usually only perform ‘good magic'”. Ultima cures uncle Lucas after he has been cursed and this shows that her powers are used for good only. I honestly feel like curandera is the best term because Ultima is an old woman who is trying to live at peace and is humble and is there to help others out.

    “What Is Curanderismo?” Curanderismo. N.p., n.d. Web. .