Week 13 Reader : Best of Both Worlds


During this week reading, we focused on DNA, race and identity. Ant i have to me to understand that in fact humans do view the world in black and white and many people are left miss represented and not represented at all. In the lecture professor Perez talked about how she was surprised about her ethnicity and how percentage of her DNA was African American.  In the Article by Ebony Bailey Blaxicans of LA capturing two cultures i one is the perfect example how many people are left unrepresented and lost in searching for an identity. in this article, people are viewed with a really narrow and rigid mind set. As humans we feel that we need to categorize things, but too many categories is too complicated so we make big categories to try to fit as many people as we can into one group. In this case the blaxicans feel forced to suppress one identity. Blaxicans make part of two of the most suppressed minority groups and it is a challenge. This article explains how mixed is beautiful because you get the best of both worlds.

Both of my parents are Mexican, i was born in the U.S and i myself feel that my identity is challenged. when i’m asked where i’m from, i always answer : i was born here but my parents are from mexico. For some reason i feel that i have to bring up where my parents were born. Does anyone else feel this way.

4 thoughts on “Week 13 Reader : Best of Both Worlds

  1. I definitely understand how you feel. I am like you whenever someone ask me where I am from I say that I was born here but my parents are from Mexico. I think it became a habit for me to say this. I don’t even think about it when I say it now. I believe that I make it a point to say that my parents are Mexican because I am connected to my Mexican roots. By saying that my parents are from Mexico I am showing pride in my Mexican roots. My Mexican roots have become a part of my identity to the point where I have to let it be known whenever I am asked where I am from.

  2. I think everyone who was born in this country, and has parents who born in another country feel the same way. My parents are both from Guatemala but I was born here. When people ask me what my “race/ethnicity” is I always say Guatemalan, I identify more with my roots than my actually country. I am some what proud of the country I live in, but I recognize more with where I come from. I also think about my future, I am in a relationship with my boyfriend of 5 years already and he’s Mexican. If I marry him our children will be a “Mixed” and I think that mixing is something beautiful. I also think about what my children will identify as, will they consider themselves Mexican or Guatemalan, or will they identify more with the U.S?

  3. When asked where I’m from I normally say, “Inglewood” because it was where I was born and raised. I’ve noticed my parents respond the same way and I think it’s because they’ve lived here for so long that home isn’t Mexico anymore and they automatically respond, “Inglewood”. If I already know that the person talking to me has knowledge of the city I’m from I respond, “oh I’m Mexican. Born here, visited multiple times over the summers to Mexico, because my parent’s still have family over there.” But, because I’ve been asked multiple times if I’m white or get the surprised face from the older Latino generation when I speak Spanish it has become a habit to also add every now and then “I’m Mexican”.

  4. I do sometimes say that I was born here but that my parents are from Mexico, as if it were an explanation. I say this because, I know I am not fully American, so adding the fact that my parents are born in Mexico is like adding an asterisk next to my name. With that being said it is important to note, that I do not mean that to be a bad thing. In reality, I am quite neutral to the whole situation, I have no control over that so why would should I feel accomplished or ashamed. The truth is that even if I was in Mexico i would have to explain something about my parents. Just like if my parents were born citizens I would probably have to explain something then too. The reality is that in most social situations I find myself in I do not have to explain, excuse, nor promote the fact that I am born of immigrant parents.

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