Finding Your Roots

This week focused race and identity. I was particularly drawn to “The Pioneers: Sandra Cisneros” video. Even though it was relatively short, I was like fascinated with the video because my last name is also Cisneros. It made me think, that somehow we could be, or how cool it would be if we were connected (that would be so awesome!).I even had to show it to my mom. As I was reading the Eva Longoria article before the clip, and seeing how proud she is of her heritage and how she has so much knowledge about her ancestors, similar to that of Sandra Cisneros knowing about her ancestors it made me really jealous, because I unfortunately dont. I’ve heard a few stories about who my great grandparents were but that’s as far back as i have knowledge from. I think it’s important to know where you came from and i would be so interested in knowing more about my ancestors. I have always wanted to do the or the 23 and me where it tells your genetic makeup, but being a broke college student doesnt really allow me to do that. I’m hoping one day i will be able to know more about my ancestors, i believe it would really help me even know more about myself.

My question for you all is do any of you know about your ancestral background, if so do you have any cool stories about who your ancestors where, or anything cool they did?

Do you think it’s important to know your roots?


One thought on “Finding Your Roots

  1. Hello, I read your response and my input is in your attempt to know about your ancestors, try to get information from all the sources available. Although, and other similar services are helpful they aren’t the only way to get information. I have an aunt who, I must admit bores me at times however, she loves to sit down and talk about all these people she remembers from “el rancho”. This is another way of knowing more about your ancestors. Although she does not remember much about her grandmother (my great-grandmother) she knows a lot about the extended family. She can sit down and give me the lineage of aunts and uncles I only see on special occasions and how they are ultimately related to me. Oral histories are a big part of our tradition, so I figure that if you manage to ask around you are bound to find your own family historian.

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