Dia De Los Muertos

The article Decoding The Food and Drink On A Day Of The Dead Alter by Karen Castillo Farfan was short but very informative. It is one of those reads that you come across but really enjoy. I liked how it didn’t just talk about what happens on the day of the dead but it also gave some background on its origins and its importance. This celebration dates back all the way to the Aztecs 3000 years ago. Everything is a very important component to the making of an Alter. I didn’t know that everything had a meaning like the sugar skulls being made out of sugar. Or  Also, even though every alter has many material things in common, each one is completely different and special. Even though I am a Chicana I didn’t know much about its history. I have never done an Alter and my mom never grew up with that tradition in Mexico. She is from a small Pueblo in Mexico and she claims that no one ever really celebrated it. Once she migrated here she found out it was such a big event. Is anyone else in the same boat as me? Nonetheless, it is a beautiful tradition that brings people together and it keeps the memory of those who have passed, alive. I know that this is a very important day for many people who still mourn their beloved. I actually go to El Dia De Los Muertos festival in Santa Ana every year and it such a great experience. It is so cool to see the pictures of all these people and come acquainted to their favorite dishes. This tradition is also very rich in culture. What I wonder is how much it has changed since it started 3000 years ago? Do just Mexicans celebrate it or has it spread to to other Spanish speaking countries?

One thought on “Dia De Los Muertos

  1. Hi,
    I was in your boat a couple years ago because the same reason. My family never really talked about it nor did we celebrate it. I then started my own research about Dia De Los Muertos and I found out that it goes on for three days and people from Mexico usually sleep those 3 days by their loved ones by their tombstones.

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