About rquinones

I'm a simple girl, living in a complicated world and loving every minute!

La Mission (2009)

La Mission

La Mission, is a drama starring Benjamin Bratt as Che Rivera. Che is a recovering alcoholic, and ex-convict that lives and breathes for his son Jess. Jess is a college bound honor student with a secret. They live in the Mission District of San Francisco. The Mission District is under going Gentrification and a hipster neighbor Lena is breathing new life to Che.Che is respected by the homies in his neighborhood. Che is a widower that drives a city bus to provide for Jess. In his spare time Che restores junk cars to classic Lowriders and hangs with his friends. All of whom are in a car club (Mission Boyz). Every week the Mission Boyz go cruising with their friends and loved ones. However, Che has noticed Jess has become distant.
One night after cruising the boulevard Che arrives home and discovers Jess was drinking and passed out. As he scans Jess’s room he discovers Polaroids of Jess and his boyfriend at a club. Eventually Che’s confronts Jess, and he confesses. He is Gay.Jess the all knowing teenager then questions his fathers sexual practices in jail. This infuriates Che so he kick Jess out. The fight ends up on the street, causing a huge commotion in the neighborhood. The Mission Boyz rush to break up the fight between father and son. Che then outs his son to the whole neighborhood. It was clear Jess was not welcome. He decides to moves-in with his godparents Rene and Ana.

Che ponders if this a punishment from God? Why wasn’t Jess normal? Rene reminds Che of what his mother always said “De la espina y el dolor nace la flor”(From the thorn emerges the flower.) However, Che was not convinced.He missed his son but could not accept his sexual orientation.
Che’s conversion comes when Jess is shot as a result of a hate crime. This brings Lena and Che together and although Jess recovers, Che cannot accept Jess is gay. Jess makes the decision to leave his father. This act of defiance causes Che to start drinking and leads him into a downward spiral, affecting his relationship,job and health. Near the end he comes across a crying mother, that opens his eyes without saying a word.

La Mission was directed by Peter Bratt. This film addresses many issues such as single parenting,masculinity, homosexuality, and addiction in the Latino community. Che is raising Jess alone after his wife passed away.And although he is both mother and father, His masculinity is never questioned. He has street cred due to his time in jail but also for his art skills.His reputation is compromised when everyone finds out Jess is gay.The homosexuality was a tough point for both characters. Various times in the film father and son would show reverence to the Virgin Mary or carry a Rosary. The religious beliefs could have been a reason for Che’s reluctance to accept his son. Che was confused and angry at the situation but Jess was only seeking acceptance from his father. Ultimately the pain caused Che to drink, however redemption is never too far off. The film was good but based on Latinidad and masculinidad in Hollywood scripts, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32:6,948-966, Latino men are marginalized. This script written by a Latino has Che in a poor neighborhood,full of guns and violence. As if the area defines him. This movie is similar to American Me in that aspect and in the notable absence of women.

Ana S. Q. Liberato , Guillermo Rebollo-Gil , John D. Foster & Amanda Moras
(2009) Latinidad and masculinidad in Hollywood scripts, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32:6,948-966, DOI: 10.1080/01419870802334549

Stand and Deliver (1988)


Stand and Deliver is a 1988 American drama film based on the true story of high school math teacher Jaime Escalante. Edward James Olmos portrayed Jaime Escalante. In the early 1980’s Jaime Escalante quit his middle class job to pursue a High School teaching career. He accepted a job at Garfield High School as a computer science teacher. Upon reporting to the job site he discovers there are no computers due to budget cuts and instead is assigned to teach a basic math class.
Garfield High School is located in East Los Angeles, the majority of the students are Latinos from low level income families. The school is gang infested. Jaime’s class is initially out of control, with humor and patience he manages to earn the respect of his students and begins to teach. “Ganas” is all anyone needs to succeed. Shortly thereafter Garfield undergoes the Accreditation review process. Administration is wary due to the low test scores of the school. Many of the Administrators have given up on the teens. They cite low test scores are a result of populations socioeconomic circumstance. Jaime sees the potential of his kids and offers to introduce Calculus to his students. “Students will rise to the levels of expectations.” Grudgingly administration agrees. Jaime taught math class through summer breaks, zero periods and after school to prepare his students for the Advanced Placement Calculus test.

Jaime Escalante
In 1982, 18 students took the test and passed.The students at Garfield High managed what many deemed impossible.The school in East Los Angeles had the highest passing rate in Southern California. However, the Educational Testing Services (ETS) questioned the results. An investigation was launched and the students were asked to retake the test. The dilemma, to retake or not to retake.That is the question.

Stand and Deliver is an inspirational movie. It is a movie directed and written by Latinos. I could argue that the movie depicted common stereotypes such as gangs and crime but it is a reality in the East Los Angeles neighborhood.The film stresses the importance of education to Chicano’s that are often judged by the color of their skin. As Escalante puts it”Math is the great equalizer.” According to Goldman “the representation of Chicano youths in Stand and Deliver challenges their image seen on dominant film and television. Perhaps more important, Stand and Deliver provides a more hopeful image of Chicano’s than many Chicano feature films of the eighties…” its a feel good movie for all but it touched me because I am a Chicana. Their success felt like my success. This film proves not all heroes wear capes.

“Ganas, all we need is Ganas” -Jaime Escalante

You are the true Dreamers, dreams accomplish wonderful things, you are the best”
-Jaime Escalante

Noriega, Chon A., and López, Ana M., eds. Ethnic Eye : Latino Media Arts. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 12 May 2016.

What’s Up Everybody!

meI’m Rocio. This is my second semester at CSUDH. The Professors are cool, the material is interesting and I’m meeting great people. Life is short, live it to the fullest is my motto. From now on, I plan is to travel somewhere new every year, try something new without hesitation and learn to swim…even if I have to take classes with the little kids. Just do it! Cause I’m a MexiCAN-AmeriCAN!