Stand and Deliver (1988)

Prejudice seems inevitable. Before I have an opportunity to even introduce myself to the world; I will be put into a category because of my skin color and gender.  I admire Jaime Escalante for making a difference inside of his community. Although the population of children that attended Garfield High School came from a poor environment; it does not mean they should have a disadvantage  from achieving a higher education or a good education.  Working as a school nurse inside of Pasadena with High Risk Student;  I did witness prejudice. Most of the children were in homes or have been inside of jail because they were either abuse or did not have parents who cared. But every time they came inside of my office; I made sure I instill  positivity inside of them.  I assured them that they could achieve any goals  he or she wants to achieve. Its not where you come from its where you are going. I believe Jaime Escalante was able to achieve respect from the children because he cared and instill positivity into each one of them.

2 thoughts on “Stand and Deliver (1988)

  1. I really love this movie. Edward James Olmos does a great job as the teacher. He helps his students. I loved the part near the end when his students get accused of cheating on their test. He later proves them wrong when the whole class retakes the class and passes it all over again. He said that it was probably due to race and that many people think that Hispanics can’t possibly be that smart. I love the message that this movie shows. He shows that Hispanics are very smart and that just because they pass that doesn’t necessarily mean they cheated. Love this movie!

  2. The math algebra teacher was a very inspiring character. He motivated the students by in stilling positive gestures and comments about their learning ability. He assured the students that they are capable of learning algebra and graduating high school with a diploma but at the same time he laid down his rules. I believe the students were able to give him respect and they were able to have an open mind about learning because the math teacher showed that he cared. Most of the students came from broken families or were raised without a father or mother inside the home so therefore they joined a gang to feel excepted.
    “Math is a great equalizer” This quote means anyone is capable of learning the math no matter what skin color s a individual is or what background an individual comes from in addition the students are guarantee to find a great paying job after learning math and graduating from high school. I like the idea he was able to bring his teaching style pratical. He dressed up as a chef. After dressing up as a chef; he was able to cut an apple into many different shapes and sizes to illustrate a fraction.

    Overview of the story
    Jamie Escalnate becomes a math teacher at James A. Garfield High School In Eastern Los Angeles. The School is full of Hispanic students from working class families who are way below their grade level in terms of academic skills and have a lot of social problems./ Escalnate seeks to change the school culture to help the students excel in academics. He soon realizes the untapped potential of his class and sets a goal of having the students taking AP Calculus by their senior year. Escalante instructs his class under the philosophy of “ganas, roughly translating into “desire” or “motivation”. The students begin taking summer classes in advanced mathematics with Escalante having to withstand the cynicism of other faculty, who feel the students are not capable enough. As the students struggle with the lower expectations they face in society, Escalante helps them to overcome the adversity and pass the Ap calculus exams.

    I could relate to Jamie Escalante. I worked in Pasaden as a school nurse with high risk students. Most of these children lived in group homes or have been incarcerated. They would come inside of my office for their daily medication or for first aid. But I would also provide them personal hygiene items they could not afford. In addition would provide them warm blankets and allow him or her to sleep inside my office where they felt safe. I always made sure to in still positivity into them no matter the circumstance or sometimes I would help them with their homework. I really enjoyed watching them advance in spite of the obstacles that was put before them.

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