The Color White

The color white for the most part denotes positivity and overall goodness. White can be associated with light, innocence, purity, and virginity. In western cultures, white is associated with the heavens, safety, faith, spirituality, sincerity, cleanliness, softness and perfection. Furthermore, one can find many examples in the Bible, in which it states that the color white promotes overall positivity. A perfect example can be found in Psalms 51:7, it states, “I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

When depicting that the color black, one can conclude that black being the opposite of white symbolizes fear, power, death, evil, and aggression.

Colors and their significance can sometimes be uncanny, for it does not always have universal meanings. Hence the color white can hardly be associated with something bad. However, if represented in a specific manner, white, according to the Latin/ Chicano culture can sometimes represent negativity, such as, death, bad luck and fear.

For example dreaming of a white owl can represent that death is nearby. Additionally dreaming of a white horse can also represent a negative feeling, thus often times in the Latin/Chicano cultures, people dream of white horses predominantly before or after a close/loved ones death. Dreaming of white animals is not the only way the color white is associated with negatives in the Latin/Chicano culture. La Llorona, a Latin urban legend is about a woman who dresses in white and haunts at night. Her legend began a long time ago when she killed her children and walked around her town with a white dress at night screaming ‘mis ninos, mis ninos’ (my children, my children).

In sums, white is an uncanny color in the Latin/Chicano community. For the most part, it can represent and stand for good things, however, ironically it can also represent negativity, death and remorse.





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